What is Tarot?

Tarot is a profound and multifaceted tool used for guidance, personal insight, and exploring the subconscious mind. It consists of 78 cards, each adorned with symbolic imagery and archetypes that span across various themes of human experience - love, conflict, prosperity, challenges, and spiritual growth.

Originating in the 15th century in Italy as a card game, Tarot has evolved over the centuries into a spiritual and divinatory practice, deeply rooted in psychology, mythology, astrology, numerology, and esoteric traditions such as the Kabbalah with the 22 Major Arcana cards corresponding to the Tree of Life and the 22 Hebrew alphabets.

Tarot cards offer insight and clarity through a combination of symbolism, intuition, and the collective unconscious. The images on the Tarot cards are filled with symbolic elements and archetypes that are universal across human cultures and psyches. These symbols resonate in unique ways and bring light to personal association or feelings. This connection illuminates the situation form a new perspective.

Tarot reading is an intuitive practice and the process of selecting and interpreting the cards can help bridge the conscious and subconscious mind. Often, the cards reflect what is already known deep down but haven't fully acknowledged. The intuitive insights can provide clarity, offering solutions or highlighting areas of life that need attention.

Tarot cards mirror life as they reflect back the current situation, challenges, hopes, and fears. This mirroring effect can help see life from a new angle, offering clarity on issues that were previously murky or confusing.

By contemplating the meanings of the cards and how they apply to life, Tarot cards can encourage self-reflection on a deeper level about the circumstances, decisions, and feelings. This process can clarify thoughts and emotions, helping to understand the situation more clearly.

Tarot cards can highlight or reveal patterns or behaviors that may not have noticed. Recognizing these patterns can provide insight into how past actions or attitudes are influencing the current situation.

While Tarot cards do not predict the future in a deterministic way, it can suggest possible outcomes based on current trajectories. This guidance can help make informed choices and consider alternative paths hadn't thought of before.

Armed with insights and perspectives, Tarot can empower decision-making that is aligned with the desired outcome. The clarity gained from a reading can motivate to take action with confidence.

According to Carl Jung, Tarot cards can tap into the collective unconscious, a reservoir of universal experiences and archetypes shared by all humanity. This connection can bring forward wisdom and insights that are deeply embedded in the human psyche, offering guidance that feels both personal and universal.

In essence, Tarot cards offer insight and clarity by blending symbolic imagery, intuitive reflection, and psychological archetypes. This unique combination allows individuals to explore their circumstances, options, and inner selves in a profound and transformative way. Whether seeking guidance on specific questions or exploring broader life paths, Tarot readings can illuminate the unknown, providing direction and enlightenment on the journey ahead of this mysterious path, called life.

The Purposes of Tarot Readings

Tarot readings are a powerful medium for introspection and reflection, providing clarity and insight into complex situations and inner conflicts. They are not about predicting a fixed future but rather about exploring possible outcomes and understanding the dynamics at play in one's life. By reflecting on the symbolism and messages of the cards, individuals can gain fresh perspectives, uncover underlying patterns, and make more informed choices and decisions.

The Tarot can be used for any kind of question or situation - whether it is about career, finances, relationships, personal development and so much more. The Tarot can help us understand not just the future but also the present and the past. Being able to understand the past give us insight into what we have learned from the past and what may be influencing the current situation. Knowing about the present situation gives us indications of what kinds of energies we are dealing with right now, and how we can make the most of those energies in order to create the outcomes that we want in the future. The future is not set in stone because we have free-will, which means we can always make the changes now in order to create the outcomes that we want in the future.

The Tarot can be very helpful for self-exploration and answering questions like:

What is coming into my conscious awareness about my situation?

What does my soul need from me right now?

How can I live in alignment with my Highest Good?

What are my blind spots?

What actions do I need to take to manifest my goals?

What do I truly desire?

What do I most need to know right now?

Who am I really?

What is my soul purpose?

How can I find love or how do I prepare myself to find my soul mate?

Why Seek a Tarot Reading?

Tarot readings offer a multitude of values and benefits that extend beyond simple curiosity or entertainment. They can be powerful tool for guidance, introspection, and personal growth. Here are some of the key values and benefits of getting Tarot readings:

Gain Insight and Clarity

Tarot readings can provide clarity and insight into complex situations or decisions you may be facing. The symbolism and messages of the cards can gain deeper understanding of the dynamics at play, helping to illuminate paths forward you might not have considered.

Gain Perspective and Self-Reflection

The imagery and archetypes found in Tarot can serve as mirrors to your subconscious mind, revealing underlying patterns, desires, fears, and motivations. This process of self-reflection can help you see your situation from a new perspective, offering valuable insights into your personal growth and development.

Gain Guidance and Empowerment

While Tarot does not predict the future in a deterministic way, it can highlight potential outcomes based on current trajectories and the energies surrounding a situation. This guidance can empower you to make choices that align more closely with your desired outcomes, helping you to navigate life with greater confidence and agency.

Gain Peace and Reassurance

In times of uncertainty or distress, Tarot readings can offer comfort and reassurance. They can help to affirm your feelings and experiences, providing a sense of peace and validation when you need it most.

Gain Decision-Making Support

Tarot readings can be particularly beneficial when you are at a crossroads and need support in decision-making. The cards can bring light different aspects of a situation that you may not have considered, helping you to weigh our options more thoughtfully.

Gain Spiritual Connection

For many, Tarot readings are a spiritual practice that helps them connect with their higher selves, the Divine, or the Universe at large. This spiritual connection can foster a sense of guidance, comfort, and understanding that transcends everyday experiences.

Gain Personal Transformation

By addressing personal challenges, fears, and aspirations, Tarot readings can facilitate personal transformation. They can help you confront and work through issues, encouraging growth, and change.

Gain Creative Inspiration

The rich symbolism and imagery of Tarot cards can spark creativity and inspire new ideas. Artists, writers, and creatives may find that Tarot readings stimulate their imagination, offering new avenues for artistic expression and exploration.

Rev. Michelle Schwarz as a Tarot and Oracle Advisor

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