Michelle Schwarz

Hi. My name is Michelle Schwarz.
I help aspiring people who want to live holistically to design and manifest the life they desire.
I strive to empower others and strengthen their connection to their inner wisdom.
I am a Holistic Life Coach as my training and expertise are extensive.
I believe that having a diverse set of knowledge and skills enables me
to provide a holistic service to my clients as each client is unique.

My three core values are:

I am a channel for Divine Truth.

I am open to receive the intuitive messages that are available to me right now.

I trust myself and the Universal Wisdom that surrounds me.

Hay House
Certified Card Reader

Biddy Tarot
Certified Advisor

Usui Reiki Ryoho Master

Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

Board Certified Master
Mental Health Coach

Master Transformation Life Coach

Master Mindset Life Coach

Master Spiritual Life Coach

Master Life Coach