Choosing the right Tarot and Oracle Advisor is crucial for a meaningful and insightful Tarot reading experience. A good match can provide valuable guidance and clarity.

Rev. Michelle has gone through studies and practical training having completed the Hay House Card Reading certification, the Biddy Tarot Certified Advisor program and other Divination trainings. She went through deep meditations and practice readings with real people with real life questions and gained positive feedback of accuracy and encouragement.

Her reading style is intuitive, empathetic and empowering which is the result of her being a Metaphysical Minister and a Holistic Life Coach.

Being a Pisces, often considered the most intuitive of all zodiac signs, Rev. Michelle has a deep connection with intuition, empathy and sensitivity, which makes her a holistic Tarot and Oracle Advisor.

She resonates with the High Priestess archetype of the Tarot, a Seeker of Truth. She has the ability to see through the veil and determine what is really going on. She can read the situation and make decisions base on her gut and intuition.

Rev. Michelle can connect deeply with the cards and the seekers as she can sense the energy and emotions behind the situation, leading to insightful and accurate readings.

She is naturally drawn to the mystical and spiritual realms, making her incorporate her spiritual insights and elements to her readings, offering not just practical advice but also spiritual guidance.

With her innate sensitivity and her training as a Board Certified Mental Health Coach and a HeartMath® Certified Practitioner, Rev. Michelle has a profound understanding of human nature and the complexity of human emotions. This understanding enriches her Tarot readings, allowing her to get to the heart of issues and provide guidance that resonates on a deep and personal level.

Rev. Michelle adheres to ethical best practices, including confidentiality, honesty, and respect for her clients' autonomy and decision-making. She is professional and seeks to serve her clients' Highest Good.

Rev. Michelle's main Spirit Guide is Merlin who is the legendary figure from Arthurian legend and is often depicted as a powerful wizard, advisor, and prophet. As a Spirit Guide, Merlin embodies wisdom, magic, and guidance, offering profound insights and support in spiritual journey.

Merlin represents the accumulation of ancient wisdom and knowledge. He encourages the pursuit of learning and understanding, guiding towards the discovery of hidden truths and the deeper meanings of life. He reminds that knowledge is not only found in books but also within the natural world and the inner self.

Merlin's mastery over alchemy symbolizes the power of transformation. He guides through personal transformation, helping turn challenges into opportunities and to find the gold within the trials. He teaches to embrace change as a path to growth and enlightenment.

As a magician, Merlin teaches the art of shaping reality through intention, focus, and harnessing the energies of the universe. He encourages to tap into our own magical abilities to manifest the desires and to recognize the magic in everyday life.

Merlin's role as a prophet and advisor highlights his ability to see beyond the veil of time, offering guidance on life's path and helping to navigate the future with foresight and wisdom. He assists in connecting with the intuitive abilities, helping to trust in the inner voice and visions.

Merlin's deep connection to the natural world emphasizes the importance of being in harmony with the environment. He teaches respect for all living things and the understanding that every creature and plant has a lesson to offer. Through Merlin's guidance, Rev. Michelle draws the power and inspiration from nature and to see the sacredness in all aspects of life.

Merlin also serves as a protector, offering his strength and magical abilities to shield from negativity and harm. He encourages to find the inner strength and to stand up for what is right, empowering to overcome obstacles with courage and determination.

He encourages self-reflection, meditation, and the exploration of the subconscious mind, guiding towards self-awareness and spiritual enlightenment.

Merlin upholds high ethical standards, emphasizing the importance of using abilities and knowledge for the Greater Good. He reminds that with great power comes great responsibility, guiding to act with integrity and wisdom.

Having Merlin as Rev. Michelle's Spirit Guide, she has a powerful ally in the quest for knowledge, personal growth, and spiritual fulfillment. He inspires Rev. Michelle to explore the mysteries of life, to embrace the inner magic, and to live in harmony with the natural world.


Rev. Michelle does not give Medical, Financial or Legal advice. Licensed professionals should be sought for these matters.

Rev. Michelle does not do readings for a Third party because this is unethical. The only time she will do a reading with a Third party is if the seeker is in current relationship or recently was in relationship with the other person. Spying on other people's lives is not in alignment of values that Rev. Michelle shares.

The High Priestess
Michelle's Tarot Card Archetype

How Rev. Michelle Does Her Readings

Rev. Michelle begins her readings by creating a quiet and sacred space. She lights a candle, consecrates herself with sacred essential oils, surrounds herself with powerful crystals that are specific for Tarot readings, and sets the intention and spiritual protection to connect with her Guides, the Akashic Records (Book of Life), and the Universal Source (God/Goddess).

Rev. Michelle's Guides are:

Archangel Michael - the Protector

Archangel Gabriel - the Communicator

Archangel Raphael - the Physical Healer

Archangle Uriel - the Emotional Healer

Archangel Jophiel - the Positive Thinker

Archangel Chamuel - the Finder

Archangel Raziel - the Clarifier

Dragon - her Spirit Animal

Merlin - her Spirit Guide

Quan Yin - Divine Feminine

Isis - Divine Feminine

She connects with her clients' energies and seeks to guide the clients for their Highest Good.

She clarifies the question or concern and selects a Tarot deck that calls to her.

She shuffles the deck with intention and question at hand. Connecting with her intuition, she chooses the Tarot cards. Using her gifts and her training, she interprets each card, their connections, and deliver an overall story that is personalized.

The whole Tarot reading is captured in a written format with an Oracle reading and an Akashic reading for additional overall guidance.

Each Tarot Reading comes with the following in a written format:

  • Intuitive Tarot Reading
  • BONUS: An affirmation
  • BONUS: A One-Card Oracle Reading
  • BONUS: A One-Card Akashic Reading
  • BONUS: Energy and Spiritual Healing instruction
Michelle Schwarz